White Ebony

Humidor White Ebony
Trade Names: Black Pearl, Pale Moon Ebony Country of origin: Indochina Occurrence: Most likely to be found in Laos, rather less so in Cambodia and Vietnam.

Only very limited occurrences, therefore extremely difficult to procure veneer qualities in reasonable lengths. Then very expensive. Almost all logs have very fine wormholes, almost always yield is reduced by cracking.
Uses: Mostly used for woodturning pieces or knife handles in high-end applications due to the small dimensions. As veneer and lumber, due to the very high price, exclusively in high-end interior finishing, with lengths over 250 cm being very rare.
Character: Highly decorative wood with a very individual black and white pattern, which varies from trunk to trunk and can go from very white to very black. When overturned, the result is beautiful pictures that make the furniture made of White Ebony unique.
Special Features: It is often mistakenly assumed that real ebony must always be coal black, however, there are various types of real ebony whose basic color ranges from dark green, dark brown to reddish or even white (so-called white ebony) and is interspersed with more or less light or dark stripes. In total, there are about 200 species of ebony, which come from Africa, America, Asia and Australia.

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Cigar Cabinet from White Ebony

We made this beautiful Gerber Humidor Monolith from White Ebony some time ago. The cigar cabinet with its purist design is perfect to show off a unique wood. The combination of perfect cigar storage, craftsmanship and modern design is unique in the international market. If you want the best for your cigars, get in touch with us. 

Gerber Humidor Monolith-White-Ebony

Natural product wood

Wood is a natural product, which can has colour differences and growth-related irregularities. Deviations in structure and colour are a quality feature for real wood. Growth, colour, structure and grain are unique in every tree and make every Gerber Humidor unique! Digital illustrations of the wood samples are always only indicative picture and do not provide a guarantee. Not all woods are available at all times and suitable for every Gerber Humidor. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.