swietenia mahogany

Swietenia Mahagoni is the real Mahagoni for furniture and humidors
Trade names: Honduras Mahagoni, Araputanga, Tabasco Mahagoni Origin: South America. Swietenia macrophylla – Central and tropical South America, except in Guiana and the Amazon Basin – main growth areas in Honduras, Brazil, Mexico and Guatemala. Swietenia humilis – Western Central America. Use: In 18./19. Century was only used almost so-called cube mahogany. Of these there were stocks only in the West Indies. The true mahogany has been prized for over 250 years as one of the most precious woods for pieces of furniture, but overuse makes it almost unavailable. Only woods of the genus Swietenia are considered true mahogany. The wood was used in furniture, ship and yacht construction, for musical instruments and scientific devices. The Spanish Armada was made of mahogany at the time. In English-speaking countries, it was used as exclusive wood in high-quality interior design. Genuine mahogany is considered one of the classic noble furniture woods. Incorrect use of the name mahogany for many pulpwoods from Africa and Asia today leads to the underestimation of the value of genuine mahogany. It is offered as a lodging and flattened, although Quartier is much more in demand. Character: Swietenia Mahagoni is pale pink to golden brown color, partly with fine black pores. The heartwood of Swietenia is not attacked by fungi or insects when dry. Particularities: The American mahogany tree is a deciduous tree, which can reach heights of growth of up to 40 m, sometimes up to 60 m and a trunk diameter of up to 3.50 m. He often has knot-free trunk lengths of up to 25 m for the timber industry. The sapwood is gray-brown to gray-yellow, has a small width and stands out clearly from the red-brown heartwood. In the radial and tangential section numerous „mirrors“ can be seen, whereby the wood gets a shimmering and lively surface. The good stamina, easy handling, high resistance to fungi and insects make the Swietenia mahogany one of the best woods worldwide.

Natural product wood

Wood is a natural product, which can has colour differences and growth-related irregularities. Deviations in structure and colour are a quality feature for real wood. Growth, colour, structure and grain are unique in every tree and make every Gerber Humidor unique! Digital illustrations of the wood samples are always only indicative picture and do not provide a guarantee. Not all woods are available at all times and suitable for every Gerber Humidor. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.