
Grisard - The wood is almost white to yellowish gray and is considered the best poplar wood.
Trade name: Gilead Poplar, Grey Poplar Origin: Europe. Occurence: Southern part of Europe and Asia; successfully grown in Argentina, otherwise in Kashmir, Iran and North Africa. Use: Knife wood for veneers, also very suitable for peeling veneer, plywood, matches and for the paper industry. Character: Up to 35 m high, fast-growing tree with a loose, initially irregular, later wide-spreading and high-arched crown. Side branches diagonally upwards, overhanging in old age. The wood is almost white to yellowish gray and is considered the best poplar wood. It is dense, tough and very reminiscent of cherry. Particularities: The gray poplar is generally considered a cross between white and Aspen tree. Poplars are deciduous deciduous trees. They come from the plant family of the willow family and are called by the technical term of the genus „Populus“. The beautiful and particularly tall trees in this country often adorn the landscapes and are very well known. There are many different types of poplar as well as bred hybrids for timber production. Thus, in addition to the tall poplars, also smaller trees or bushes can be found on river banks or in forests. As a timber, the poplar finds a very versatile application. Do-it-yourselfers and professional craftsmen often use the Grisard wood for constructions in interior design eg. for cigar cabinets. A large proportion of poplar wood is used for the industrial production of chipboard or molded parts made of chipboard.

Natural product wood

Wood is a natural product, which can has colour differences and growth-related irregularities. Deviations in structure and colour are a quality feature for real wood. Growth, colour, structure and grain are unique in every tree and make every Gerber Humidor unique! Digital illustrations of the wood samples are always only indicative picture and do not provide a guarantee. Not all woods are available at all times and suitable for every Gerber Humidor. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.