Cembra Pine

Cembra Pine » GERBER Humidor veneer

Trade names: Cembra Pine, Swiss Pine
Origin: Europe
Range: Central Europe, especially in the Alps, Southern France, Switzerland, Austria and Bavaria. At altitudes up to about 6,000 feet and in the Carpathean mountains at altitudes up to approx. 8,000 feet. Also in Northern Russia and Siberia.
Uses: The wood is extremely versatile, for all interior and exterior purposes. In addition, it is used for country-style furniture, high quality architectural purposes and exclusive handworked cabinet making.

Character: The wood is light reddish when freshly cut. But quickly changes under the influence of light and air to the color of common pine. Characteristic are the numerous solid tight knots. This makes this wood especially suitable for decorative architectural purposes. In many cases waxed surfaces are given preference since waxing highlights the character of the wood best. Particularities: The Cembra Pine provides the classic wood for romantic farm furniture and interior furnishings in the Alpine regions. The annual rings are close together and give the wood a its characteristic texture. Marked accents are the small to medium-sized, dark-brown knotholes that appear in small groups. They give the veneer a decorative rural character. The wood smells strongly aromatic and is surrounded by a relatively narrow yellowish sapwood. From pinewood, oil can be produced, which has a pleasant odor.
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Desktop Humidor in Swiss Pine

Swiss stone pine has been the talk of the town for several years. The wood is not only typical of traditional furnishings in Bavaria, Austria and the surrounding area, but it also has good active ingredients. Essential oils and other ingredients are said to have positive effects. We think it is simply beautiful. Perfect for long-term cigar storage with aging in Spanish cedar.
GERBER Humidor Cube Swiss Pine

Natural product wood

Wood is a natural product, which can has colour differences and growth-related irregularities. Deviations in structure and colour are a quality feature for real wood. Growth, colour, structure and grain are unique in every tree and make every Gerber Humidor unique! Digital illustrations of the wood samples are always only indicative picture and do not provide a guarantee. Not all woods are available at all times and suitable for every Gerber Humidor. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.