Cigar smokers are personalities, from Winston Churchill to Gerhard Schröder. In any case, this is the experience of Heinrich Villinger, one of the greatest cigar lovers in Switzerland. To appreciate the pleasure of a good cigar is often connected with a certain amount of life experience and a strong sense of beauty. Many Swiss cigar lovers therefore also appreciate the elegance of a handmade cigar cabinet. Many of our long-standing regular customers live in Switzerland and we are regularly pleased to delight the hearts of Swiss aficionados with high-quality individual pieces for their luxurious cigar collections.
CigarLounges Switzerland
In addition to our numerous private customers in Switzerland, we also regularly equip entire CigarLounges with our furniture. Starting with the core piece, the electronically controlled humidor with humidification and dehumidification, we design matching cabinets for spirits and fine wines. The guests of a Swiss CigarLounge can be sure to be well looked after and forget the daily routine for a moment in the comfort of a stylish smoking room.
Cigar lovers beyond the Alps
Our cigar cabinets are not quite as massive as the Swiss Alps, but our carpenters claim to be almost as durable. In order to keep the humidity in the humidor constant and to avoid the humidifier having to work in continuous operation, a number of design factors must be taken into account. Above all, the humidor should seal the interior tightly. What sounds so simple is not so easy to realize when you make handmade furniture out of wood. It is well known that wood works and reacts very sensitively to the humidity inside. From the locking system to the sealing level, all components of the humidor are perfectly coordinated with our years of experience and thus create the optimal technical environment.
Unique construction of a cigar cabinet
The door of the humidor is a sophisticated sandwich construction: Spanish cedar on the inside and the customer’s desired decor on the outside. The framed door is constructed and solidly implemented in such a way that it does not warp even with large sizes and the internal humidity. The Spanish Cedar inside the cabinet is processed open-pored and untreated. This always poses a special challenge to our trained craftsmen, because the wood is very brittle and you need a lot of sensitivity in the processing. But the result is a special experience. The natural wood can absorb moisture particularly well and work with it. As soon as our Swiss customers open the doors of the cigar cabinet, a special scent blows around their nose: Only the real Spanish cedar (Cedrela odorata) has the scent and aroma to let high quality cigars mature perfectly over a longer period of time.
We are pleased to have already made so many Swiss cigar lovers happy and look forward to our new projects with joy.